Monday, March 12, 2007

Mr M and The All Nighters new line up first gig

Mr M and The All Nighters make it past their new line up gig intact - so far.

We played our first gig with 5 new members on Wednesday March 7th at the WISE Hall. It was a small crowd, but appreciative nonetheless.

We shared the event with Lily Come Down, Brent Rheult, Sayde Davis, The Wind Whistles [Tom and Liza]. The music was excellent, kinda folky, but then the other volunteer organiser [Ryan] who brought in all the other bands runs the folk show at CJSF.

We had a gaggle of great speakers including Dennis Perry and Ned Jacobs from the Eagle Ridge Coalition, Randy Chatteree from doRAVright and Anna Hunter from Anti Poverty Committee.

Here are few photos and a video excerpt. Stay tuned for more gigs from Mr M and The All Nighters.

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In other band related news, we have been working on some polished demos. Singer Alex and I and hopefully a few more of the band members will be working on demo versions of Uptight, Heatwave and Higher and Higher.

Sunday I went to see the Heaven and Hell tour at the Pacific Colisseum, it was a great gig, I sent a short review to the Heaven and Hell web site....

Having seen a number of bands on a "reunion" type tour this one ranks the highest, some of those other bands should really not be touring at all. The Heaven and Hell reunion tour started off with a bang, big stage presence, lots of energy and an audience starving for more.

Has it really been 13 years since these guys played together ? Musically the band was tight, lights and sound all were beyond compare If anything the vocals were a bit low in the mix.

I first saw Ronnie back with Rainbow in 76 at the Liverpool Empire, however it was my first time seeing the other band members live, so at long long last I finally got to to see the legendary Tony Iommi on stage, no disappointments there at all.

I often feel honoured when a band starts or ends its tour in Vancouver, I know its partly to do with geography, however I think there are a few thousand other headbangers in Greater Vancouver waking up with smiles on their faces this morning.

Keep on rockin'
Ian in Vancouver

Mr M and The All Nighters 2

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