Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Update on the 2005 recording session

I am just wrapping up my 2005 recording session at my home studio. I have about an hours worth of music, with a few cover songs and even some tracks with vocals. I rented a BOSS 1600 recorder/mixer and recorded some guitar and vocal tracks to the songs previously recorded using Reason 2.5 on the G3 laptop.

You can have a listen to some of the new tracks at

This recording session faced several challenges. Especially around trying to fit in recording sessions around yoga classes and helping my g/f move in to the apartment and taking care of my 10 year old daughter, plus the two dogs.

As with other recording sessions, this session is step in yet another direction. I feel my music is a little tighter, a little more accessible. Have listen and drop me a note on what u think.

The new musical project is called God's Monkey and the new cd is entitled "Good for All Creatures".


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