Monday, February 12, 2007

Mr M and The All Nighters soldier on....

In the Jack Black movie "Rock School" the show starts off with the lead characters band being stolen from underneath him. Well my experience with Mr M and The All Nighters could have been just like that opening scene. Luckily, I took precautions.

My band Mr M and The All Nighters played two gigs since forming at the end of September 2006. We played in front of friends at Adanac Co-Op on January 6th and at the Betty Krawzwyk benefit event at the ANZA on Jan 26th. Both gigs were great fun, the audience loved us and we had people dancing right from the first song onwards.

Yet, contentment within the band was not to be. Everyone, bar the drummer and myself have left the band and now we soldier on with new recruits.

Figure, you throw in 10 people together and hope they get along; it does not work on reality tv, why should it work in real life ? The band really did have a lot of things to its credit, however the patience of some of its more "talented" members to deal with those less endowed was often in short supply. It seems I had far more patience with people's inadequacies than others and I was less prone in asking people to leave for the good of the band, apparently a flaw in my personality.

For some reason I feel like Richie Blackmore in the early incarnations of Rainbow. Every album Rainbow recorded was with a different set of musicians, some of whom hardly played on the albums at all. Hopefully keeping at least one of the singers will keep some continuity, it seemed to work for Richie, at least for a while.

The funny thing is I've been working on a website for the band, with profiles and sound samples and the whole bit; now most of the band members are gone, such is the rock and roll lifestyle.

Mr M and The All Nighters is now in the process of working with some new members, we hope to be back performing within a few months. It's all good fun until some loses an eye....



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