Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Is Rachel Marsden the sign of the end ?

Rachel Marsden and I have some history - we both attended the same university.

Now this infamous right wing commentarian is writing for the National Post and I am still at the same university - there is no justice.

Rachel has found herself a niche as the Anne Coulter of Canadian Politics. She has the looks and charm of a female preying mantis searching for a new mate, Gurmant Grewal is her her latest victim. Why would anyone in their right mind hire this woman ? Is it because of her sparkling personality, her razor sharp wit ? Or is it her ability to convince men who with too much "loin-think" she is the best person to do the job ?

Eastern Canada should be warned about Ms. Marsden or surely they will suffer the same fate as numerous men in the west.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Budd Campbell said...

I think you're probably right about Rachel getting hired because of her looks, and her suggestiveness. It's the kind of thing some idiot right-winger would fall for!

I think Marsden is now sufficiently notorious around Vancouver that she's not likely to be claiming any more innocent victims here. But in Eastern Canada, or the US, she could still be a real risk factor for some unsuspecting sort.

As an SFU alumnus, maybe you could help to persuade the Women's Studies group in the faculty there that it's time, indeed it's well past time, that they publicly admitted they were wrong thoughout that affair and that they allowed their political assumptions and stereotypes to guide their actions.


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