Sunday, June 19, 2005

Commercial Drive with Lizzy

After a number of years people decided to have a festival on Commercial Drive - since the Italian festival died this has been sadly missing from the cultural east side.

The weather cooperated once again and thousands of people turned out to check out the displays, performers and the food. It should be mandatory to close off the drive every Sunday and let people take part in the things the drive has to offer, I am sure the local merchants would appreciate it.

I volunteered at the Citizens Against Freeway Expansion table and talked up a storm with people, who for the most part are dead set against any kind of freeway expansion and twinning of the Port Mann bridge. We had some good media exposure as Global and 24 hours spent some time at our position.

Tons of people signed the petition which will be sent to provincial and federal ministers.

After doing my time, Lizzy and I headed off up the drive to check out the rest of the event. This was my first time back in the area after the May 17th election.

We picked up some ice cream and headed back to my place, which is located 50 feet from the freeway.


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