Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dr Who will never be the same

The return of Dr Who a dozen or so weeks ago was the mark of something significant in my life.

Little did I know the return of the good Doctor would make Tuesday nights tv viewing such a pleasure - Corrie, Dr Who and Da Vinci all on the same night all following each other, almost a perfect nights viewing; the only thing missing was the new series of Battlestar Galactica :-)

Little did I know my daughter Lizzy would also fall for the good Doctor in a major way.

In general I don't like television, 99% of it is utter bollocks, but once in a while something good comes out of it; the return of Dr Who, with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper is finally something good on tv.

Tonight was Eccleston's last episode, time marches on but not for Eccleston in the show, we knew early on he would be going, it was sad to see him go still, Eccleston made an excellent Doctor. I hope the new guy can put his own mark on the series.

The series will return with the "Christmas Invasion" a christmas special recorded before Eccleston left the show. Until then Tuesday nights will not be the same with without old big ears and a northern accent.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bike Stolen one week ago today

Last week I had my bike stolen from the back of my van.

The thieving bastards tried the drivers door, then bent the top of the door in order to reach the lock and failed. They then simply smashed the drivers side sliding door and lifted the bike out of the back.

They had time to put the front wheel on and ride off. They were seen by numerous people including my neighbour who got a description.

I called 911 and the police arrived in a timely fashion. They took a statement from me and my neighbour.

Today, exactly one week to the minute, in a somewhat desperate move I stood outside, only idiots would show up at the same time. Sure enough they did not show up.

Now I am out $300 for the ICBC insurance deductible and out a perfectly good Cadex mountain bike. The bikes previous owner [a neighbour] also had the bike stolen, yet he recovered it, since it is rather unique looking. I hope to see it on the road at some point in the future and have it back in my possession one day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Is Rachel Marsden the sign of the end ?

Rachel Marsden and I have some history - we both attended the same university.

Now this infamous right wing commentarian is writing for the National Post and I am still at the same university - there is no justice.

Rachel has found herself a niche as the Anne Coulter of Canadian Politics. She has the looks and charm of a female preying mantis searching for a new mate, Gurmant Grewal is her her latest victim. Why would anyone in their right mind hire this woman ? Is it because of her sparkling personality, her razor sharp wit ? Or is it her ability to convince men who with too much "loin-think" she is the best person to do the job ?

Eastern Canada should be warned about Ms. Marsden or surely they will suffer the same fate as numerous men in the west.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Commercial Drive with Lizzy

After a number of years people decided to have a festival on Commercial Drive - since the Italian festival died this has been sadly missing from the cultural east side.

The weather cooperated once again and thousands of people turned out to check out the displays, performers and the food. It should be mandatory to close off the drive every Sunday and let people take part in the things the drive has to offer, I am sure the local merchants would appreciate it.

I volunteered at the Citizens Against Freeway Expansion table and talked up a storm with people, who for the most part are dead set against any kind of freeway expansion and twinning of the Port Mann bridge. We had some good media exposure as Global and 24 hours spent some time at our position.

Tons of people signed the petition which will be sent to provincial and federal ministers.

After doing my time, Lizzy and I headed off up the drive to check out the rest of the event. This was my first time back in the area after the May 17th election.

We picked up some ice cream and headed back to my place, which is located 50 feet from the freeway.

Sonja and Tegan's Wedding

Sonja is an undergrad student in the Arch dept at SFU, she got married on Saturday to her long time partner Tegan.

The wedding ceremony at St Pauls Anglican church in the West End was simple and to the point. Sonja and Tegan looked beautiful in their wedding dresses. My Iranian friend Lilly attended her first gay wedding and she had a great time.

The brides attracted a lot of attention as they took off on their 2 seater Heinkel scooter, along with their "mod" buddies over to the Maritime museum for the reception.

Finally a wedding reception with some decent music, I would expect nothing less from Sonja's friends. Some great Northern Soul classics made me feel sad at the loss of the great Wigan Casino, where I spent a considerable part of my youth. Good to talk to the DJ who was familiar with Russ Winstanley, although he had never been to England.

The weather cooperated for the outdoor event and a good time was had by all. The food was great and the booze was a flowing and the music made it all happen.

I musta have eaten something spicey, since I am now up at 3.30am typing this in some discomfort.