Monday, August 15, 2005

Feedback on the Burnaby Blues and Roots festival

Well done to the City of Burnaby for an excellent Blues and Roots festival this year. The performances were excellent, the weather was perfect and audience was well behaved.

However, I was considerably disappointed to see the corporate logos of Chevron and Telus adorning the sides of the main stage.

As the largest polluters of Burrard Inlet, Chevron do not need to be rewarded by having their corporate logo associated with such fine music. Likewise Telus' current labour dispute of locking out workers and potentially shipping Burnaby jobs offshore, should also not be rewarded.

I also found it offensive to see small children walking around Deer Lake with Gateway Casino balloons and decks of playing cards.

Whilst I enjoyed the performers immensely, much better than last year; the increased corporate presence was a reason NOT to go to the event next year, regardless of the performers.

I strongly suggest the organisers take a look at the Under the Volcano festival in North Vancouver to see how the real community can put on an event. Otherwise the Burnaby Blues and Roots festival is in severe danger of becoming an overly corporatised event; which is a contradiction of what blues and roots are supposed to be about.

Instead of large multinational corporations, invite non-profit community groups to attend, this would fit more with the messages sent from centre stage.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Finding lurve on Craigslist

In less than one month I will be 43 years old.

In the last 29 years or so I've met many people through all kinds of circumstances.

Just over a month ago I went searching for a new bike on Craigslist. Whilst visiting the site I read through some of the personal ads, most were tacky and reasonably offensive, so I thought I'd place my own there just to see if anyone responded.

Within 48 hours I had at least half a dozen responses. The first of which I arranged to go out for a bike ride the following Sunday. As a precautionary measure I also made arrangements to meet 3 other potentials later that same week.

My first date went very well, so well in fact we arranged to meet again the following Wednesday. That Wednesday night went so well I sent a courtesy email to the other three that I had met someone and was going to see how it went.

Over a month later my Craiglist found date and I are still going strong, in fact very strong. Having tried Yahoo, and others, who knew a free ad on Craigslist would be the place I would find the right person for me ?

Oh yes the bike is working great also, I ride it every were I go.